Friday, June 22, 2018


God’s name, Jehovah Magen, means God our shield and protector.  Another facet of God being a shield occurs in the gift of faith which He has given us.  Romans 12:3 tells us God has given each person a measure of faith. Faith is a vital component in our relationship with God.  We are warned of this in Hebrews 11:6, “But without faith it is impossible to [walk with God and] please Him, for whoever comes [near] to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He rewards those who [earnestly and diligently] seek Him.”
Ephesians 6:16 describes and gives instructions regarding faith, "above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts (arrows) of the wicked one (satan).

To better understand the importance of the shield of faith, it is helpful to look at the necessity of a shield to soldiers in biblical times.  It was not an optional piece of equipment and no soldier would go into battle minus his protective shield. Without his shield, he knew there was nothing between him and his opponent, leaving him defenseless. The shield was the size of a door, which would completely cover the soldier. It was made of several layers of thick animal hide, woven together, making it strong as steel. Soldiers would rub oil into their shield every day. If the oil was not applied on a daily basis, the shield would crack and when hit by an arrow, break into pieces, causing it to be useless.  The oil is representative of the Holy Spirit. Without a fresh touch of the Holy Spirit’s power in our daily life, our faith will become hard and brittle, rather than long-lasting and durable.
Before a soldier went to battle, he soaked his shield in water.  This was to ensure the flaming arrows of the enemy would be extinguished when they hit the shield.  The saturating water on the shield is symbolic of God’s Word washing us. (Ephesians 5:26) Just as the soldier saturated his shield with water, we are to keep our faith saturated by the washing of the Word of God.  When we are not filled with God’s Word, satan can plant thoughts or “arrows” of anger, anxiety, unbelief, and worry in our mind. Because these thoughts, or lies, are contrary to God’s Word, they may cause us to be filled with doubt, allowing us to become an easy target.

Let’s take another look at Ephesians 6:16… above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts (arrows) of the wicked one (satan).”  

  Above all means to position over.  The shield of faith is meant to be out in front, completely covering and protecting us from harm.  
Taking the shield of faith indicates we can pick it up or lay it down.  It is entirely our choice. When we choose not to walk in faith we are vulnerable, exposing ourselves to the enemy’s attacks.  When we choose to walk in faith, we are covered and protected.

During biblical times, arrows were a deadly form of weaponry.  Often they were dipped in tar and set on fire before being released.  The arrow could also be filled with a flammable liquid causing it to explode on impact.  The shield was able to quench all the fiery darts (arrows) of the wicked one, because it was saturated with water which did not allow the arrows to burn.  Today these fiery darts represent attacks from satan, which target our emotions. The saturating water on the shield is symbolic of God’s Word washing us. (Ephesians 5:26)  Just as the soldier saturated his shield with water, we are to keep our faith saturated by the washing of the Word of God.

When our shield of faith is well oiled by the Holy Spirit, out in front covering all, and saturated with the Word of God, it will extinguish every temptation and fire- bearing arrow the enemy tries to send our way.  Our faith positions us to be in line with God and His Word. First Peter 1:5 tells us, “ And through your faith, God is protecting you by His power.”

Father, we praise Your holy name and thank you for the gift of faith You have given each one of us. We thank You that it shields and protects us. I pray we would continue to allow Your Word and the Holy Spirit to wash over and empower us.  

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


Jehovah Magen is the name of God we are currently studying and means our shield of protection.  The revelation that the Creator of the universe is our shield and protector should build our faith and bring us peace and joy.
The bible is a record of historical events which demonstrate to us Who God is.  Let’s explore a couple of these miraculous occurrences.
The first event is about a prostitute named Rahab.  The Israelites were getting ready to cross the Jordan River and take the land which God had promised them.  Joshua sent two men into the city of Jericho to spy out the land. The spies were in danger of being captured, but  Rahab hid the men, and helped them escape. She declared her belief in God, Joshua 2:11: “For the Lord your God is the supreme God of the heavens above and the earth below”, and asked the spies to spare her life.  They agreed and told her to hang a red rope outside her window. This would be a sign to the Israelite soldiers not to harm anyone in this house.  The city of Jericho was destroyed. Everyone in the city was killed except Rahab and her family. (Joshua 6:22) Because she believed in God, knew Who He was, and trusted Him, her life was spared.  Proverbs 30:5 declares, “He is a shield to those who trust and take refuge in Him.”   
The next narration is about a young Israelite named Daniel.  The Israelites were being held captive in Babylon, but Daniel had found favor with the king.  This caused the Babylonian rulers to become jealous and they tricked the king into signing a law stating anyone found praying to another god besides the king, would be thrown into the den of lions.  Even though Daniel was aware of the law, he publicly knelt down on his knees and prayed to God, Jehovah Magen. Because he openly worshiped God, the king was forced to stand by his law, and put Daniel into a den of lions.  The last thing he said to Daniel was, “Your God, whom you serve continually, He will deliver you.” (Daniel 6:16) Even though the king was not a worshiper of God, He had an understanding of Who God was. The next morning when the king went to the lions’ den, Daniel said to him, “My God sent His angel and shut the lions’ mouths, so that they have not hurt me.”  (Daniel 6:22)

God, Jehovah Magen, demonstrated His miraculous power in the lives of both Rahab and Daniel by protecting them from what seemed to be an impossible situation.  Often times in life, like Rahab and Daniel, we face situations that seem hopeless. Proverbs 30:5 declares, “He is a shield to those who trust and take refuge in Him.”  Time has not changed God or His Word. He is still a shield to those who trust and take refuge in Him. As we learn to trust God, we will see Him as Jehovah Magen, our shield. Psalm 20:7-8 warns us that those who trust is in things of the world will be defeated, but those who trust in God's name will rise up.

Let’s declare Psalm 18:2 over our lives.  “The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior;   my God is my rock, in whom I find protection.  He is my shield, the power that saves me,   and my place of safety.”