Friday, March 23, 2018


We are looking at how God reveals Himself to us through His various names, each name describing a different aspect of His character.  Jehovah Shalom denotes God of peace. The word peace comes from the Greek word “eirene” which is defined as: a state of rest, quietness, calmness, and absence of strife.  Ultimate peace is a result of reconciliaing with God and placing faith in His Word.  Peace is NOT based on our circumstances or in our relationships with others.  True peace results from being in a right relationship with God. When we focus on God and not our circumstances, we can have peace even while everything around us seems to be falling apart.

Jesus tells us in John 10:10  “ The thief (satan) comes only to steal, kill, and destroy.”  I believe one of the first things satan tries to steal from us is our peace.  If he can plant doubt and unbelief in our heart, our thinking becomes disconnected from God and His Word, resulting in loss of our peace.  We need to remember, staying connected to God and believing in His promises, is a CHOICE. Choosing to place our faith in something besides God, is an open door for our peace to be stolen.  We must learn to hold on to this precious gift of peace from God and recognize its value.

I can almost hear you saying, “you don’t know what I’m going through.”  You’re right, I don’t, but God does and I do know God and His Word rise above every situation.  As we begin to shift our thinking from our circumstances to God’s promises, peace will fill our heart and mind.

Isaiah 26:3 tell us, “You (God)  will keep in perfect and constant peace the one whose mind is steadfast [that is, committed and focused on You—in both inclination and character], Because he trusts and takes refuge in You [with hope and confident expectation].”
God has promised - when we focus on Him, peace is ours.

Father, I renounce any chaos and confusion that has ruled in the hearts of your children and I declare your Word over their lives:
“Let the peace of Christ [the inner calm of one who walks daily with Him] be the controlling factor in your hearts [deciding and settling questions that arise]. “ Colossians 3:15

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