Tuesday, October 16, 2018



Jehovah Nissi means “God our Banner”.  A banner is defined as a pole, a standard or a miracle.  In biblical times a banner was used as a signal that was raised to gather or assemble the people. A raised banner served to announce that something significant was about to happen.  God's people rallied for battle with the raising of banners. During the confusion and chaos of a battle, soldiers would look for the king’s banner.  The sight of it being held high gave them courage and confidence.

The name Jehovah Nissi first appears in Exodus 17:15.  God had delivered the Israelites from captivity in Egypt and was leading them to the Promised Land. (Exodus 4-17)  As the israelites were getting ready to fight the Amalekites, Moses instructed Joshua to lead the army in battle. Moses then went on top of a hill, lifted his rod to heaven, and raised his hands up to God.  When his hands were raised, Israel was more powerful than the Amalekites, but when he became fatigued and lowered his hands the Amalekites were stronger. Holding up his hands was a symbol of dependence on God and an appeal to Him for help and enablement. This act of obedience to God empowered Joshua to defeat the Amalekites.  Exodus 17:14-15 tells us, “ After the victory, the Lord instructed Moses, 'Write this down on a scroll as a permanent reminder, and read it aloud to Joshua: I will erase the memory of Amalek from under heaven.' Moses built an altar there and named it Jehovah-Nissi (which means “the Lord is my banner).”
 Moses was declaring they had victory, not because of the greatness of the army, but because they were positioned under the banner of God (Jehovah Nissi).
As God’s children, the Lord Himself is our Banner, our Jehovah Nissi.  He is our confidence and the source of our strength in battle. When we have darkness and confusion in our lives we have the assurance of God, our Banner, being lifted high over our situation.  In Exodus 17:14 God instructed Moses to write down the events of Israel’s victory against the Amalekites.  He wanted this remembered for generations to come...for us. In the bible Egypt is symbolic of the world system or sin.  Just as the Israelites were attacked when they left Egypt, we are attacked when we come out of the world to serve God. Who are the “Amalekites” that are attacking you?  Is it fear, addiction, pride, selfishness, anger, or bitterness just to name a few?  God’s banner of salvation is waving over you. His promise of salvation includes help during distress, deliverance,  rescue, and healing. Without God we can do nothing (John 15:5), but when we position ourselves under the Banner, Jehovah Nissi, we can have victory over our enemies.

Father, I thank You that with You we can have victory over all that tries to come between us and You.  I pray we would realize Jehovah Nissi is not just Your name, but it is a reflection of Who You are.

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