Tuesday, November 6, 2018


 The meaning of the name, Jehovah Jireh, is literally, The Lord Who Sees, or The Lord Who Will See To It.  Because God is able to see the past, present, and the future, He is able to anticipate and provide what is needed.

Jehovah Jireh first appears in Genesis 22.  In this account Abraham’s son, Isaac, was to be given as an offering to God.  Instead God, Jehovah Jireh, miraculously provided a sheep as a substitute for Isaac and Abraham’s son was saved.

When we think of God as our Provider, we often think of having our financial needs met.  God does not only provide our monetary and material needs, He also provides for us spiritually and emotionally.  Because God is all knowing, He is able to supply solutions to any problem or obstacle we may face.
The book of Exodus gives us many examples of God’s provisions, which we can relate to today.  The Israelites had been in captivity in Egypt for approximately 400 years. God miraculously led them to freedom.   He brought them out of captivity with health and wealth. (Exodus 12:13) When they had no water, God provided water. (Exodus 17:6).  When the water was bitter, God made the water sweet.(Exodus 14:25). When they were hungry, He gave them food. (Exodus 16:4). He healed them of all their diseases. (Exodus 15:6)
My favorite illustration of God’s provision in this event takes place shortly after the Israelites were released from captivity and were headed towards God’s Promised Land.   They must have been filled with an excitement of freedom and the anticipation of a land of their own. However, their joy quickly turned to fear as they saw the Red Sea in front of them and Egypt’s army behind them.  In their eyes they could not see a way of escape and were ready to give up and return to their life of slavery. They took their eyes off Jehovah Jireh, forgetting He was their provider and would make a way. God did not fail them, but instead He parted the Red Sea and they were able to walk safely through it on DRY ground.  

God has promises for His children that are found in His Word.  Often, we, like the Israelites, take our eyes off the promise, and all we can see are the “Red Seas” (the problems) in our lives.  When we encounter a problem, we choose to either trust Jehovah Jireh to provide a solution, or we choose to turn back to the familiar life we have been living.  Retreating to unhealthy patterns of thinking can result in a life of bondage or slavery to fear, addiction, pride, anger, and unbelief... just to name a few. God realizes these harmful mindsets hinder our relationship with Him.  He is so personal, knows our heart, and sees each and every one of our needs.  Therefore, He will  provide a way out of what is blocking our relationship with Him.
Do you have a situation you’re facing that seems impossible?  Have you been battling negative patterns in your life? Look to Jehovah Jireh to provide for you.

Philippians 4:19:  And my God will liberally supply (fill until full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”
Father, I pray each person reading this will see You as their Provider and they would trust you in and through every situation.

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