Friday, September 15, 2017


Today we’re going to continue with God’s name, El Elyon. During Wednesday night’s message at church, Apostle Byrd said, “we should have an appetite for the impossible.” I began thinking about things that seem impossible to me, but are NOT impossible to God the Most High. In Luke 18:27 Jesus said,” the things that are impossible with men are possible with God.” Two people in the bible recognized this aspect of God’s character.  One is Mary, mother of Jesus.
This is a familiar account for many. An angel approached Mary and told her she would become pregnant and that child would be the Son of God. Not only was this a physical impossibility since she was a virgin, but because she was not married, pregnancy would lead to disgrace and being stoned to death. Her response in Luke 1:34 was similar to what many of us have said in regards to God and His Word, “how can this be?” The angel told her “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.” He also told her in Luke 1:37  “with God nothing will be impossible.”
I believe at this point a revelation of Who God is came upon Mary because her response was, “ Let it be to me according to your word.” She saw the impossible become possible. She saw El Elyon, God Most High, as Who He is...Most High over the physical, Most High over the supernatural, Most High over every situation and circumstance.

Now let’s look at Daniel.  This historical account is found in Daniel 6. Daniel was taken to Babylon as a slave when he was a teenager. Although he was a slave, his intelligence, wisdom, and appearance secured him a high position in the king’s court. This caused men within the court to become jealous and they devised a plan to have Daniel killed. They tricked the king into signing a law stating whoever worships any god or man other than the king will be thrown into the lion's den.
Even though Daniel knew this law had been signed, he refused to dishonor God. Instead, he knelt down, prayed and thanked God. As a result Daniel was thrown into the lion's den which should have resulted in his death. Daniel knew the consequences of not following the law, but he chose to worship God.
I don’t know if Daniel was afraid, but I do know that he recognized God as Most High and would not worship another.
One thing I like about this story is in verse 16 when the king said, “your God Whom you serve continually, He will deliver you.” Even the king recognized the power of God. In the natural there was no way Daniel could have lived through this torture, but God miraculously shut the lions’ mouths.
This took place thousands of years ago, yet today we are still facing the challenge of worshipping other gods. There are many things that can become a god  (anything more important than the God Most High) in our lives: money, lust, power, acceptance, fear, and the list goes on and on.
God desires to be Most High in each of our lives. When we recognize God for Who He is, the impossible becomes possible.

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