Sunday, September 10, 2017

Names of God

Have you ever asked yourself or has someone asked you Who is God? This is not an easy question to answer. When I think of God I think of a multi faceted diamond or a prism that shows a multitude of colors when you look through it. God, like the diamond or prism, is also not one dimensional. To describe Him is almost beyond human words or vocabulary. In this blog I am attempting  to describe the magnificence of God.
In the original old testament, which was written in Hebrew and the original new testament, which was written in Greek, God had many different names besides God. Because each name describes a facet of God or a part of His Character.Let's begin with the different names of God.
The names of God are holy. Jesus tells us this in the book of Matthew, chapter 6, verse 9. When His disciples asked Him how to pray. Jesus answered by saying, “Pray this way: Our Father Who is in heaven, Hallowed (holy) be Your name”. Jesus was telling us we need to honor and revere God’s names. Why? Because His name is a reflection of Who He is. In Hebrew the word "name" means a mark of individuality with implications of honor, authority, and character. A person’s name was a link to his or her character. For example Jesus renamed Simon to Peter which was a prophetic word for his future. God renamed Abram to Abraham and Jacob to Israel. Throughout scripture God used names as revelation to the character of men and women. If human names were that important to God, how much more important is His name. Psalm 8:1 declares  ”Lord, our Lord,  how majestic is Your Name in all the earth!”
To me when God reveals Himself to us through His name, it’s as if He’s saying: I want to reveal something about Myself to you so you can know Me better, more intimately. How exciting is that?

The first name I am going discuss is, El Elyon.
In Hebrew the word "el" comes from a root word that means might, strength, and power.
"Elyon" comes from the root word "alah" which means to go up, ascend, climb, and exalt. El Elyon means the God Most High or The Mighty One Most High. Let’s think about this for a moment. It is exciting to think about God being so mighty and powerful that He is above all other gods!! He has power and authority above ALL things. There is nothing higher than God. Isaiah 46:9 says: ” Remember the former things, those of long ago;    I am God, and there is no other;  I am God, and there is none like Me.”

None like God. I can’t stop thinking about that verse and what it means. When we are struggling with circumstances that seem impossible we must remember El Elyon is above that circumstance. If you are facing what seems impossible, remember El Elyon is above all.